Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I write without a topic !

Most of my writings start with nothing and that's why most of my friends tell me I really have nothing in this life and I am happy about it.

I have absolute no idea what I will be writing here.
I don't think about it or have a draft or anything.
But I know I am going to write. perhaps it will end up as a joke or a thought or god knows!!

Let's see how it goes, now... Ok...

Set ,

I am now thinking about Terai and Pahad as the characters,
and my fingers know this and those characters have already entered into my brain...


Girija and Prachanda were in a high school. Both were sitting side by side on a long bench along with all other students. A teacher named, "Terai" popped into the room. (When Terai and Pahad entered into your brain, Girija and Prachanda came along. Very interesting. wow.. so far so good, or bad, lets go....)

All students got up and said, "Good morning Sir!"

Terai nodded and started wiping the blackboard where the previous teacher had forgotten his rule - "After you have used it, Leave it exactly the way you would like to find it next time".

The previous teacher named "Pahadi" didn't do his job, and the "Terai" teacher was mad as he**. His madness got so big that students were starting to pee in their pants.

Girija looked at Prachanda and said : "kay ho yar yasto ? kasto risayako cha you moro sar ta ha??"

Prachanda said : "Ri saudana ta yar, hera na black board kasto variyaho!! "Moro Pahadi" Sirlay ta pura lay kha cha yar. Ma Pahadi Bhayeko bhayata, pura safa garara jantha yar. You got to think about the next person, man!"

Girija growled : "God, you speak good english man!"

Prachanda said : "Timi pani Practice Garana yar, voli TOFEL ma kam aucha yar! You think I am gonna stay in Nepal, all my friends are overseas"

Girija said : "Ok. Ok. La, malai pani al ali English Sika na ta mora!"

All of a sudden,
there was a complete dead silence in the class room.

The "Terai" teacher had left the room; sweating like a pig and mad as a bull!

The board looked like this :

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