Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nepali News Sites Mush-Roomed with Duplicate Contents - Is Nepal's CyberLaw Ticking ?

Those are familiar with Nepali news sites, you can see now blogs filled with copy/paste (of course mainly the nepali newspapers who work so hard to bring news from the nation to the rest of the world), and evolution of blogs has made it possible for anyone to do just about anything... (many created with easy on the go;easy to setup, easy to manage, easy to get themes and easy to do copy/paste from CMS like wordpress, joomla etc, site design may be cool or not but news sections seem to bombarded with copy/paste rather than site's own content) and everyone has a category called "News" and its filled news that the owner has no rights at all. To test yourself, simply highlight any news from other sources, copy,paste it in Google and see where else it shows. Stealing news isn't different than stealing money. A news article isn't born over night; a lot of people are involved, a company pays for it, and to shorten my view; they are all engaged to create a news and investment is made from start to finish.

This birth; of copy/paste news sites and blogs is not of today, it's been like this over 2 to 3 years, but now users feel that these cheaters are getting over the neck of the users. When this happens, sites that are stealing news, start losing traffic--for users aren't dumb for they know where the real news story stays.

The question is ? When will these sites grown up or go down the tube for not doing what they are suppose - STOP stealing. When NEPAL fully enforces Cyber-Law, we can expect what owners of news sites not be so frustrated.

Perhaps we can get a much better news because their works remain unique. Once I used to see a flash screen on which was targeting a site or may be more who used their registered logo on their sites. There is no report what happen after that, but could it be true on the web also, "One Nepali Pulls the Leg of the other?" I don't believe it so even though this slang is a rumor and often talked about it all the time. Web designers don't vibe, nor do the content hosting. Apart from the Nepal's National Computer Association, there also needs to be a Web Association, that looks after sites, blogs and take down those involved in copying and doing illegal activities such software piracy.

Here is my advice for those who do copy/paste - a little bit of words from someone who wishes a lot of Nepali sites but with unique contents:

1. Think of how much resource is utilized by a company to bring a story to you. Do you think your simple copy/paste is the best solution. How about users ? Do you think they are all dumb, will they never know where the original content resides ? If one visitor finds that you have stolen content, you remain what they often say, "Once a stealer, always a stealer" and there is possibility of your site being noticed as such, and who knows what the user who founded can now do-- tell everyone he knows. These days with the power of social media, words travel faster than light!! You can save your website by just deleting what you have copied and start writing on your own. For news, you probably need to have your own news house and reporters unless otherwise you are given sole permission from Nepali News Media and make such permissions available for users to read so they know you are doing the right thing. You can also just simply present a links to the main story instead of the full story on your blog with bunches of Adsense running like crazy over the page.

2. If you wish to live long on the world wide web, your won content is the key apart from many others. Your site won't live long in the eyes of visitors as well as search engines, if you constantly ignore the copyright laws.

3. Don't have an image. There a tons of free images out there, in open source locations, try using them instead of copying someone's photo. Do you ever think how hard a photographer must work to create a perfect picture that you just copied ? Do you think he or she deserves butter and bread just like you ? How about his or her family ? With images from public domains and placing required attribution such as names or link to the author, you can write a very good story; I am note sure about the news; they will need your own news photo. So put some guys with cameras for your news sites and have them take the pictures.

4. Users find it nice to see more sites coming into the main stream; news is what sells abroad as Nepalese like to know what is happening back at home. If you think it's only news that they are looking for, you are wrong? Do a survey and you will find out even more of that they are looking for such as views, opinions, and things which are often written or are off the topic in mainstream sites. You could tap into that market with your own content. Here is how to start. Visit all news websites, see what they are lacking and then implement those. If you can't sleep without showing news, you can show them as a link instead of copying them.

5. With the birth of many social networking sites, users now relying them not just for chit chat but also for sharing news. Such as breaking news from CNN and others. If our news sites haven't done something similar, you could be the first. This social media also should be weary to you, should your site be stealing, words here spread like the speed of light !

6. Create something different knowing that's what your users are looking for, your site will go far; instead of copy/paste again.

Take care you all, just my thoughts, I am not a News Guru nor a Computer Guru, so don't blame me for any reasons. My views are for all; wishing that all of you carry unique and resourceful content that are useful to users like me and others. I wish Every Nepali website the best :
May you grow richer by content and uniqueness every single day and you live long.

-- until next time
lolnepal guy is sad :(

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