Saturday, September 20, 2008

a Nepali gets MAD At World Media Covering Nepali News

Although it's LOL (Laughing Out Loud Blog Nepal - LOLNEPAL,
but this time, it has become a MADNEPAL. Would you believe it ?

Well.... Just read this post if you've time and you will know.

I'm not in the mood to convince my "MADNESS" as I have been the same time and again, over the course of time reading Nepal's news, reported by World's News and Media. They do a great job, but not always. I guess nobody is perfect.

I'm really really really really MAD today though,
and this is my 1st MAD Blog.

You don't have to be mad. Be cool. Yeah, my teacher used to tell me back in High School. But Now with Google Blogger, you can actually throw your Madness....................... Back in those days, there were no Blogger!

Look at Youtube (owned by Google, videos that are outrageous, filled with madness, something unpredictable gets tons of views) But that's not why I am here, but just to make a case that you can get MAD on a blog just in case you thought you couldn't. Who is perfect?

I am being MAD since I believe you can be MAD in blogs about issues that hits your hard. Play the video and read the rest of the article below.

Video - a Nepali gets MAD At World Media Covering Nepali News

More than 10 year of civil-war actually,
See what happens when you do a video without a script (LOL!)

Here are some bullet points for the World's News and Media. Remember You all : Many of you 't have any reporters back in Nepal, and often don't write news to help this 2nd poorest nation on the planet.

Nepal is the 2nd Poorest Nation on the World and if your journalists don't know about it, please fire him or her.

  • Nepal is the world's 2nd poorest country, yeah I want you to know again. Donate before you report news about this country. Ha? Are you laughing? Then, That's good for your health. Awesome! We are moving along just fine. Aren't we? Let's carry on. Grab your coffee. Lucky you? Over here in Nepal, we have a cheap Tea. But it does taste awesome. If you haven't tried, you should!
  • First of all, it's a new Government of NEPAL, which Nepal has after many years. (want me to add more manys? here I go.......... many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many. Is that enough? No! Here you go....many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many.
  • If you didn't know that Nepal had 10 different government in 10 years and You didn't know about that, please kindly DO NOT tell your boss. You might be fired!!!!!!
  • Just imagine, what that means for plans and actions created for social development issues, annual financial budget created by one government broken by another, corruption control taken by one then crushed by another government. Oh well, you kind of seem to be sleeping counting the words I wrote there - "The Many words". WAKE UP!!! Let me put some water over your face........... sorry, Now there! I am so happy you are awake. Thank you so much, Danyabad! (What did you say?) Don't worry, it's not a curse word, It means Thank you. But I am glad it proved to me that you haven't landed in Nepal not even for a day!
  • First, Get your foot on the land from where you are going to report about. Fly. World's Media don't have money? Sorry, I can't take it nor will Nepalese do. And if you have people there, then put a BIG question mark on their roles.
  • Know our leaders before you write about them. You don't know them. Yes, You don't know them. You haven't met them, so how can you know them. Just by reading some local newspapers. Make an appointment and meet them, face to face.
  • "WERE" "WAS" are past sentence. So is the word "Maoist" is a past sentence so is the "Communism" So from now on, when you report say "Nepali Government" or "Nepal Government". They were Maoists. They were terrorists. Writing about all those in news doesn't fit, write them in the History Books if you love History or send to History Writers. Is that clear? News is about Present, I could be wrong. But I know what News means. Yes, we Nepalese can speak a bunches of Languages, including English, it might be broken here and there but we can make a point that you will understand. How about this one broken English sentence: Poor Nepali Need We Help News Only For You Not Us For - Did you like it ? We don't care! We hope you make a big banner of that sentence, stick it on top of your monitor, read it, before writing news about Nepal.
  • Nepal has a Government. You got a website. Fair enough. You need to make money. Nepal Government has to do more. Every business needs money. Go ahead, feed your visitors with inaccurately titled news and drive traffic, increase your revenue up.
  • Nepal's leaders aren't dumb, they are of 21st century leaders and they have great ideas to uplift this poor country. Today, you might wanna write something about that. That's a good topic for tomorrow. Grab it from me. If you are lost, which you often are, the title for tomorrow news story is in bold letter in this bullet point. I have feeling that will be list. Let me right down. Here it is again : Nepal's leaders aren't dumb, they are of 21st century leaders and they have great ideas. I am looking forward to reading your news article tomorrow sincerely.
  • The Government may look communism to you, because you haven't known more about them, or haven't even read their economic plans, where they talk about capitalism in the mix. Did you know about this? I doubt it.
  • It's a poor nation, My Lord, I have repeat this time and again. Because you always forget it. 2nd poorest country in the world and how can you write something to hurt the poorest people who live there. Can you use better words, perhaps wisely or need some talented journalists? Our country has tons; they can write both English and in Nepali. Do you need in any other language ? Ask, They can also write in Hindi too (LOL!!) if you need that.
  • Do you have a heart to help this country otherwise don't write? I know and we all Nepalese know so don't start writing or blogging - yeah Hearts aren't in business places. I guess your employee don't have one then!! LOL !!
  • Rather want to write something false and grab tons of visitors to your site and make money from Ads. Go for it. Nobody is going to stop you. Enjoy the ride, but you sure will make some people like me MAD. You might wanna title your news site adding the word "MAD" (LOL!!!)
  • My view on World Medias - You are nothing to us - Nepali. You don't help us, you have never helped us. You feed to worldwide audience nothing but fear, which sells more than anything else. So I can't blame you. Perhaps I should just blame myself for being so sensitive. So, if you have long hand, slap me, I won't mind. If you have short hands, comment below to punch me. I don't have a mind to mind.
Here is my video. I wanted to be a bit of Angry. But since I am already so angry here on the post, I got tired. LOL!!

My Goss, I thought this post was going to be short, but it's going further and further. Is this the longest post I have ever written ? I have to check this out later.

Questions and Answers
- Just in case you might have, otherwise, Just ignore what's below except the news link (and also do Google search Nepal news and read Nepal news yourself)

What are nasty words,?
Any word that doesn't help world's 2nd poorest to develop. Period.

Who uses nasty words ?
World Medias except Nepali News Sites. If you find it otherwise, comment.

They have more visitors and they want to get grab attention, push fear, and make money from their products and services and/or advertising programs that they run. Also bad reporting from their reporters living in Nepal could be the result.

What can we do?
Sleep or Shout at blogs or READ NEWS offered by NEPALI WEBSITES.

Does the World Media have any people back here at home reporting to them?
Some have and some don't.
If yes, they are probably reading a local newspapers, going to local news sites, may be making an inches of road walks, then reporting from a five star hotel smoking W!

Ops. Cancel that W. But.. "What's written here stays here" Since you copy from Nepali websites driven by hard working journalists, I thought I might tweak this page by copying a line "What happens in Las Vegas Stays Here", no offense to such a beautiful place since I'm talking about World Media which covers others countries; any media outside of Nepal and I am only using the similar phrase. Let me know if there is another one that matches "What's written here stays here", because I write without a plan, I don't edit; kind of spontaneous writing which gives me a while lot of fun. Do you do something similar ? Share your blog, I would love to visit.

And you feel like slapping me again for using that word W, Please close your eyes on that because there could be a few good reporters who may be doing a great job in reporting but are they getting paid better for doing better? I don't know! But it's question to ask and needs answer, don't you think so? I have no clue to answer that question. Which foreigner is reporting from Nepal and who is not ? Try your luck for answer at National Journalists Association of NEPAL, I hope they provide you with some answers.

Do you have any final message?
Hope World's News and Media DO NOT USE WORDS to harm the poorest of the poorest people on the planet that is trying to develop, rather, they would help uplift this country by writing on key issues that matters to the people who live here. It's time to move away from the Politics to People.

Why are you so mad today ?

Copy paste one of the news here and some of the earlier words I wrote on this post is here and it's from such a reputed site. I expected at least "Nepal Government" instead of ... Well Read and you will know what I mean

I didn't find anything there that hurt me?
You are a strong man or women.
You are a politician.
You don't really love Nepal at all
You like the words that World Hates
You are an insensitive person
You think Reports job is to Report and forget whether reporting makes poor people suffer more.
You really don'e care.
You are a good man or women.
I am insane
I am a joker

*I would love to know why it didn't hurt you?

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